Doctors of Chiropractic are healthcare providers who do not use prescription drugs or surgeries to treat their patients and are a great option for people who are interested in conservative care. The primary mode of treatment is called an “adjustment” or a manipulation. Adjustments can be accomplished by using the doctor's hands, the use of specialized instruments or with the aid of specialized tables.
The chiropractic model of disease is based upon the concept of nerve irritation or inflammation. Every tissue in the body is affected by the nervous system. Irritation to a nerve can result in the impaired function of tissues supplied by that nerve. A nerve can be irritated as it exits the spine, crosses over a joint or as it passes through muscle fibers.
An adjustment is a precisely directed force to a joint which aids in normalizing nerve function. Often a “pop” or cavitation is heard during an adjustment. People may think this is “bone rubbing on bone,” but that is not true. Moveable joints are encased in a flexible tissue called a joint capsule. The capsule restricts excessive motion of the joint, but it also secretes fluid to lubricate and provide nutrition to the joint surfaces. This “closed system” creates a vacuum. By applying a specific force to the joint, the joint capsule is stretched, gasses are released from the joint fluid and the vacuum is relieved, creating a popping sound.
The chiropractic model of disease is based upon the concept of nerve irritation or inflammation. Every tissue in the body is affected by the nervous system. Irritation to a nerve can result in the impaired function of tissues supplied by that nerve. A nerve can be irritated as it exits the spine, crosses over a joint or as it passes through muscle fibers.
An adjustment is a precisely directed force to a joint which aids in normalizing nerve function. Often a “pop” or cavitation is heard during an adjustment. People may think this is “bone rubbing on bone,” but that is not true. Moveable joints are encased in a flexible tissue called a joint capsule. The capsule restricts excessive motion of the joint, but it also secretes fluid to lubricate and provide nutrition to the joint surfaces. This “closed system” creates a vacuum. By applying a specific force to the joint, the joint capsule is stretched, gasses are released from the joint fluid and the vacuum is relieved, creating a popping sound.
Doctors of Chiropractic are very proficient in treating pain associated with nerves, muscles and joints. Due to the global opioid epidemic the rate of people now seeking chiropractic care has increased significantly. In fact, the American Medical Association now recommends chiropractic care as the treatment of choice for lower back pain.
We do accept most major insurance plans, some common plans are listed below:
- Moda, Regence, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, Auto insurance, Oregon Workers Compensation insurance, Washington Workers Compensation insurance and ChiroHealthUSA.
- We do not accept Oregon or Washington Medicaid, Oregon Health Plan or Pacific Source Community Solutions.
- For specific questions about your insurance plan you can contact us at 541-296-1900 and we would be happy to check your benefits.